Sunday May 10, 2020
ICLR Arabic Lecture 4
Sunday May 10, 2020
Sunday May 10, 2020
The Arabic Language has been around for well over 1000 years. It is believed to have originated in the Arabian Peninsula. It was first spoken by nomadic tribes in the northwestern frontier of the Peninsula.
Friday May 08, 2020
ICLR Russian Lecture 3
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Russian is an Eastern Slavic language spoken mainly in Russia and many other countries by about 260 million people, 150 million of whom are native speakers. Enjoy learning this beautiful language through imitation.
Friday May 08, 2020
ICLR Spanish Lecture 3
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Romance language spoken in Spain and in much of Central and South America (except Brazil) and several other countries. It is the second most widely spoken first language in the world, with more than 400 millon speakers. Enjoy learning this language through imitation.
Friday May 08, 2020
ICLR Chinese Lecture 3
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Chinese is a family of East Asian analytic languages that form the Sinitic branch of the Sino-Tibetan languages. Continue learning Chinese through imitation.
Friday May 08, 2020
ICLR German Lecture 3
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Deutsch lernen! Interactive German language programs for all German learners.
Friday May 08, 2020
ICLR French Lecture 3
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
French is a Romance language of the Indo-European family. It descended from the Vulgar Latin of the Roman Empire, as did all Romance languages. Enjoy learning french through imitation.
Friday May 08, 2020
ICLR Arabic Lecture 3
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Arabic is a Semitic language that first emerged in the 1st to 4th centuries CE. It is now the lingua franca of the Arab world. Enjoy learning this language through imitation.
Thursday May 07, 2020
ICLR Portuguese Lecture 2
Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
Portuguese is a Western Romance language originating in the Iberian Peninsula. It is the sole official language of Portugal, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau. Enjoy learning Portuguese through imitation.
Wednesday May 06, 2020
ICLR Chinese Lecture 2
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Wednesday May 06, 2020
China officially the People's Republic of China is a country in East Asia. It is the world's most populous country, with a population of around 1.428 billion in 2017. Learn this beautiful language by imitation.
Wednesday May 06, 2020
ICLR Russian Lecture 2
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Russian is an East Slavic language, which is an official language in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Enjoy learning Russian through imitation.